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Tuesday, November 11/EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND- Lodging in Glasgow, the preachers gathered for a small breakfast at the inn, then loaded the van for traveling to Edinburgh. As Director McRae exited the hotel, Brother Ruben informed him that the two visiting preachers from California had spoken with him about their decision to depart from the group after they preached with us in Edinburgh later that day, and that they would strike out on their own to “go again and visit…every city” (Acts 15:36) where the SPF had preached in. Having discussed with the Director on two occasions earlier in the week their intentions to take part in the course as per the SPF schedule, M. Horton’s insistence to the contrary now, was kindly rejected by the Director, saying, “In my heart, I do not believe you at all.” Meeting privately with the two Assistant Directors Jim Grove and Ruben Israel, it was decided that since “Hymenaeus and Alexander” (1 Timothy 1:19, 20) had chosen to depart from the SPF event, and “go not with them to the work” (Acts 15:38), the departure should be now rather than later. The belief of the directors being that they intended to go back through the cities where God had done so much good, and fly their banner of rebellion contrary to the desires of the Fellowship that allowed them to come along in the first place when they were not members, Brother Ruben confiscated the banner, and Director McRae advised them they would be taken to the Glasgow train station, and they could launch their own evangelistic campaign immediately from there. And so, as with every blessing from God, there is always opposition and dissention from “selfconceited Brethren, who run their own ways, and give liking unto nothing, but what is framed by themselves, and hammered on their anvil” (see KJV Dedicatory), these two disputers of the world (1 Corinthians 1:20) departed asunder (Acts 15:39).
Howbeit, all the SPF ministers knew immediately, God had purged the group, for better things to come, and there was an unmistakable unity and fellowship now present, for which the SPF had been organized to bring to the ranks of open air evangelism. Said Director McRae, “My heart hurts over these sort of things, but cursed be this arrogant Christianity that think they know so much more Bible than anyone else that they can no longer walk in the light as He is in the light, having fellowship one with another (1 John 1:7)! God Almighty is not in this little do nothing fundamentalism of ‘Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among’ us (3 John 9), but cannot put their personal doctrinal issues aside for later, so the preaching of the cross of Christ can be taken into all the world today. They are so independently childish in their doctrinal stance about nothing, that God cannot and will not use them to reach any further than across the street the church building sets on!”
Arriving into Edinburgh, Scotland the nine SPF street preachers found singular joy and marveled again at the work of God, as they came to the base of Edinburgh Castle, and saw the hundreds of thousands of sinners walking along the street at the base of the mountain on which the ancient Castle stood. Robert Flockhart, the greatest open air preacher England ever produced, lived as a Christian in Edinburgh, and was stationed as a street preaching soldier in that very Castle. In his autobiography, Flockhart described having started his street preaching career in the very place where the SPF now providentially stood and preached. The market area below the Castle was called in Flockhart’s days, The Grassmarket.

“I reasoned with myself that the Grassmarket,
which was the place where the martyrs had been put to death,
was a proper place for my labours to begin, because of the wicked characters
in it, and their immorality, which was worse than that in the city of Calcutta.
“While I was musing, the fire burned.”
So I went there, and lifted up my voice like a trumpet, and cried aloud,
And spared not. I showed them their sin and their danger,
And what a miserable thing it was to live in sin;
And knowing the terror of the Lord” myself, I “warned them to
Flee the wrath to come.”
-The Autobiography of Robert Flockhart

SPF Director Ron McRae
Preaching at the base of Edinburgh Castle

“I, likewise, went through the city of Edinburgh
for forty-three years, preaching the gospel.
As I now began to preach through the streets of Edinburgh,
Wherever I saw a man committing sin, I reproved him, and then
a multitude would gather round me. I would then begin to
speak to them from a text of Scripture, and would continue to speak so
long as there was any one to hear.” –Robert Flockhart

Bruce Perrault carrying on the work
Of Robert Flockhart

Pastor Jim Grove
Standing in the way of 1 million sinners
Where Christ’s Martyrs were put to death because they would not be silent!

The Young man Stephen
Preaching below the Castle

Again the SPF street preachers found the people of Edinburgh much like those of Glasgow, though having lived this many years without God, yet their hearts and consciences were still awakened and attentive to the things of God. Several cried abundantly, when talking to the American preachers, with one young professing Christian lady, literally crying so hard while speaking to Ruben Israel, that the sidewalk was wet beneath her feet, as the tears poured down her cheeks. Director McRae speaking at length with one man named Danny Stewart, from Dublin, Ireland, both the young man and the preacher had tears falling as Danny told his tell of his brother shooting him in the forehead, and his family disowning him, and now he walked the streets of Edinburgh begging for “Seven pounds, fifty pence” to pay for lodging each night, and a warm meal to eat. Acknowledging how lost he was, and that he wanted to get right with God, but “You don’t understand how many afflictions and problems I have right now. If I could just find some help, so I don’t have to sleep in the streets, I could pray to God and really mean it. But I’m so very troubled right now, I know I wouldn’t mean it in my heart!” Said Danny Stewart, “I am just a poor, lonely, little boy; with no one to help me or talk to me.” Director McRae and his son gave the lad enough English pounds to obtain three nights lodging and food, and words cannot suffice to describe the change in Danny Stewart. Two hours later, he came back, beaming with joy, exclaiming, “I talked the Mum of the flat down some, so I was able to purchase three night’s lodging, and still have some left for food. And I hope you don’ta mind me purchasing this small one-time camera to take your picture, so I can remember you by.” And so Danny had his pictures taken with the Brother McRae and Stephen, and went on his way with tracts in hand, leaving them this promise, “Tonight, before I go to sleep, I am going to get down on my knees, and pray what you asked me to. I promise!”

Danny Stewart with his gospel tract,
the Director’s card, and money to find lodging and food.

SPF Preachers Perrault, McRae and Moore
With the Edinburgh Divinity College in the background.

Where Christian Martyrs Died
“The world is our pulpit!” –SPF Director McRae

As Day gives way to Night
Ruben Preaches On in Edinburgh

“As a dream of a night vision” (Isaiah 29:7),
SPF closes its watch of the night in Edinburgh, Scotland
Below Flockhart’s Castle, November 11th, 2003

Next Day